09 April 2006

Confessional Sundays

Sunday 9April06 7:27pm

In search of topics for my blog I figure today will be Confessional
Sunday. My true confession?
I am an informercial junkie. I discovered this purely by accident. We
were having a conversation at work recently and when I listed off all
the products I've purchased off infomercials I had no choice but to
surmise that I had the addiction condition.
I am an informercial, "if I just buy this one product my life will be
perfect," junkie.
I own an Urban Rebounder, Winsor Pilates, Tae Bo, Core Secrets, the
Magic Bullit and Tony Robbins Personal Power. I'd have the Raised Aero
Bed if it wasn't so expensive. I still want the "Set it and Forget it,"
Yes folks, I'm an infomercial junkie. I admit to it, in three easy

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