19 August 2006

W2L - Daily Practice

11:43am Saturday 19Aug06

I'm having problems with my Writing2Live Blog. Can't log in, can't post a message. Waiting for the powers that be to get back to me but it can take anywhere from 24 to 72 hours. So? Decided I should probably do my daily practice here before I get away from it. Although I've been feeling like my daily practice has been a little too much on the navel gazing side but it's the practice that matters more than the content. Mind you, if I want people to continue to read my blog, I'll have to pay more attention to the content.
In keeping with daily practice I found this interesting challenge that a marathoner has made for himself:

The marathon man...
By Nichola Groom Wed Aug 16, 8:37 AM ET

Dean Karnazes insists he's not crazy. He just loves to run. A lot.

This fall, the 43-year-old long distance runner will tackle one marathon a day for 50 consecutive days, running a total 1,310 miles in 50 days. And for each 26.2-mile race, Karnazes and his family of four will travel to a different U.S. state.

Arguably the world's best-known ultramarathoner, Karnazes has already run 350 miles in one stretch, run a marathon in the South Pole, and raced across the California desert in the middle of the summer.

With this fall's challenge, however, Karnazes said on Tuesday he is going a step further in testing the human body's limits.

"I'm curious to see what the limits of human endurance are," he said in an interview. "I still haven't found them."

... Beginning September 17 with the Lewis & Clark Marathon in St. Charles, Missouri, Karnazes' so-called "Endurance 50" event will take him to 8 official marathons and 42 "re-created" marathons across the United States.

Each marathon is expected to take around three-and-a-half to four hours, Karnazes said.

Runners of any ability are encouraged to join Karnazes along the way and can sign up online at the event's Web site, http://www.endurance50.com/

Karnazes will end his quest with the ING New York City Marathon on November 5.
Click this link for the full article


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